Примеры эссе на английском

Примеры эссе на английском языке показывают, какой стиль нужно использовать,  уровень языка и разнообразие языковых конструкций, которые помогут вам написать хорошую работу, достойную высокой оценки.


Тема эссе: Societies depend on adequate sources of water. Governments must work energetically to keep water quality and availability at its highest level.

 To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The governments concern of providing societies with adequate sources of water can be explained by two principal arguments. First, water is the source of life; people can barely survive without access to clean drinking water. Moreover, water is an important economic resource, so it is governments’ responsibility to make it available. Altough there are other reasons these two carry great weight.

The importance of water for people is unquestionable. Our bodies consist of about 70% water, and it is an irreplaceable part of our nourishment. Furthermore, pure water is crucial for sanitation, as we wash off the dirt from our skin, from our products, from our homes, and from streets. Lack of access to freshwater leads to deterioration in the quality of life, and to the threat of water-related diseases. That is why the provision of sufficient water supplies for basic human needs is a top priority for governments.

Since the time immemorial water has played an essential role in an economic development of nations. Rivers, lakes, and seas are not only sources of food, but transportation and trading routes. What is more, people have learned to manipulate water resources, organizing remote reservoirs and sophisticated constructions for water flow. That has made it possible to provide water for irrigation, so food production can keep pace with the growing population. Another major consumer of water is industry which in the aggregate defines the development level of a country. Availability of water supplies, thus, is highly important.

Having fleshed out the importance of the provision of clean water governments concern becomes clear. Therefore, authorities should work actively to solve the pressing problems of providing everyone with clean water to drink, adequate water to grow food and to meet industrial demands, and also to guarantee a life free from water-related diseases.

(298 words)

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